Friday, May 05, 2006


After the heady reaction to the last post, I couldnt help but put finger to keyboard again so soon..Thanks to all that appreciated it, both those who commented and those who didnt, those who read it off the lan and those that read it on the web, although the general mood of this post will be a lot more somber, thanks to april 19th,2006. A date which will be etched in my mind for a long time to come.. A date which changed me more as a person than any other date i can care to come up with.. A date which shook the very pillars my college life is based on..

The day began quaintly enough, with what we thought would be a rocking strings concert.. After reaching the venue, which in itself was less than impressive, being all but a set of flimsy asbestos sheets held together by god knows what..we decided to judge the concert for a while before shelling out 200 precious bucks on what many manipalites predicted would be a fiasco.. Turned out they knew what they were talking about, and after half an hour, we realized that this would be not "STRINGS: LIVE AND LOUD", but "UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL WITH STRINGS".. Promptly making our way for the exit, we could hear the emcee desperately trying to cheer up the crowd with trite chants like "I cant hear you" and "Come on Manipal".. And the crowd whimpered back..We'd heard enough!!! And what better thing to do than pimp in manipal? And where pimping is mentioned can Kandath be far behind?? He, in fact was at the forefront of it all.. Unfortunately, the girl didnt have as rollicking a time as she'd hoped, our minds obssessed with catching the last bus back.. We got through the trip alright, fighting a frustrated conductor and an equally frustrated newspaper reporter on the way.. Only to be confronted on the way by a staggering decision that befuddled us all, what it was doesnt matter anymore I suppose, with the dust settling on the final decision..Amazing how a trivial thing like picking which room to stay in next semester can stir up the most combative sensations in people..

But things move on, people move on. I have already learnt to laugh at the whole rigmarole, not with scorn or disdain, but with a heartfelt pity for the protagonists of this theatrical saga. I guess a sarcastic look back at this incident and the way it changed us forever was all that I ever needed to feel good about myself. Thank god for the word WASTAGE..

P.S: The more things change, the more they remain the same... "High hopes" is still looping, a heartfelt guitar lead is still the most beautiful thing in the world, and classes are being bunked with frightening regularity, "Black" by Pearl Jam can still arouse the deepest emotions in me.. Editing a music playlist is the hardest thing in the world after grasping Linear Integrated circuits, and I have learnt to stop worrying and love the blog..


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