Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I have not posted anything for aeons but as Mark Twain put it, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt." I have no ideas for a new post whatsoever, as after training, there is nothing to whine about and nothing whatsoever to write about.. Once I get to writing, a post is done in 5 minutes, but getting myself to sit down and put in a few minutes of disciplined writing takes some doing..

It's 1 AM and my eyelids are begining to sag, but theres still time for a few punches on random keys before the sandman loses his patience with me..The weekend is upon us, and a month of training has made its way into the shadows..Time does pass fleetingly around these places, and I'm none the worse for it.. The results are out in their entirety, and I am not surprised by the magnitude of rape that has occured, nor do I give a damn.. Its become as integral a part of my existence as college life itself..

Two years have whizzed by without leaving so much as a trace of their passing, and the remaining two years can be expected to pass similarly..

My "vacation" in Dubai draws to a well-deserved close, the ignominy of the insipid sights and sounds this desert has to offer continues to haunt me. I had occasion to visit the school the other day, and what greeted me was a visibly spruced up version. It started from well outside the school.. A huge complex blots out what probably was the one wasteland in Dubai during my school days.. Inside the school the refurbishment was even more prominent.. The baskeball and volleyball courts made way for a swanky, plush new complex housing the canteen, library and a few indoor courts. Frankly(no sour grapes here), a return to the old scheme of things would be highly appreciated..

The only thing that hadn't changed was the "CEO"(rotfl) who stuttered and stammered through a 5 minute speech with no less than one grammatical error per sentence.. The height was when he exhorted the students to keep the "fag flying high". I couldn't keep myself much longer and burst out into peals of laughter, at which point the CEO stopped for a moment.. Whether he'd forgotten his speech or whether it was my amusement, I still cannot tell..

Then, it was off to the temple, whose definition is sadly geographically dependent.. In india, a temple is a princely erection where like-mindless fux congregate to speak to a non-existent "supreme being"..
In dubai, a temple is a ramshackle establishment standing among countless other ruins, where like minded fux congregate to speak to a non-existent "supreme being"..
Sadly, my agnostic leanings have been completely an utterly refuted by my parents and every friday, I make my way to that dilapidated dump to "pray".. What results out of it I do not know, but donating 25 bucks a week just to see the wreckage remain a pile of debris is not done.. Going through the same drill every friday is extremely mundane..

7 days to go before I get out of here and whether that move will be able to deck up my dreary existence, only the clock knows... A frightening prelude of college life greeted me with no les than two power cuts today...


At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha.. ur definition of temples has me laughing. anyway. kinda glad that my parents don't try to get me to go to the temple at all. any visit to temples on my part will be for sightseeing reasons. and yes, temples are tourist attractions too.

At 11:56 PM, Blogger Brother in arms said...

pray identify urself, anon.


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