Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I've been tugging at my hair a lot these past few days..Maybe it was in preparation for the annual family Tirupati trip.. The temple is the only one that has never failed to amaze me by it's sheer grandeur. endroves of people patiently waiting to catch a mili-second darshan, unmindful of the endless pushing and shoving they'll have to endure, or the amount of money 500 rupee note laden sahibs dump into the hundi, or the fact that people are employed full time to count its earnings.. It's kinda sad the commercialization of faith today, even for a self proclaimed agnostic.. Especially when it happens in the sanctum sanctorum!! I was in the sanctum sanctorum, when I was surprised to see that one of the guards employed to catapult us to the next guard wasn't quite doing what she was supposed to. Two minutes passed, and I was none the worse for it.. It was then that I happened to notice her outstretched hand.. DISGUSTING!!!

CURRENT MOOD: Uninterested, as you can guess from this shitty piecce of writing


At 10:42 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Disillusioned by the commercialisation of religion? Welcome my Son, welcome, to the Machine.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell are you doing up at 4.55 in the morning?Looks like i'm going to have a tough time.

I've always understood religion as a philosophy which tells us what is in fact the good and the evil. To follow it or not is entirely the choice of man.Treating religion as law is bad enough but whats worse is using it as a means of creating turmoil and war.A human beings faith is his philosophy and his business.He must learn to keep it to himself.
God or the 'power' resides everywhere and to partake of that power we needn't go to temples,look inside yourself and you'll find it. to quote the isha upanishad...isha vasya midham sarvam, yat kincha jagatyam jagam.. Aditya Kandath

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Brother in arms said...

@ra: it's not the commercialization of religion, it's the commercialization of faith..

@ kandy: bravo!!


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